Summer Camp Classes
Reach New Heights
As a unit Backcountry cooking includes three different classes, Cooking methods and sanitations cooking techniques and water purification.
Water Filtration
This class will teach participants why we need to filter our water, different methods for how to filter water and skills to make survival filters.
KNOTS & Lashing
This class participants will learn about different materials and methods rope is made from, how to tie a variety of knots, hitches and bends & how to lash things together to make a solid structure.
Participants will learn hiking techniques, trail etiquette and what clothes and gear that they need to go on their own adventure.
10 Essentials &
Leave No Trace
Participants will learn about 10 survival items that are recommended for safe backcountry travel & 7 LNT Principles
Map & Compass
Classes are taught at two different levels. Skills include learning about parts of a compass, parts of a map, how to use a compass, how to read a map, how to orient a map and terrain association.
Shelter Building
Participants will learn about different types of shelters, different methods of how to stay warm and dry, different types of materials to use and a variety of easy knots.
Rock Climbing
Participants will learn safety, climbing terminology, climbing equipment, 2 basic knots for climbing, climbing commands and basic climbing techniques. This class is taught outside on real rock.