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Code of Conduct



The Code of Conduct and all rules, regulation or safety parameters will be enforced at all times. Any participant or parent acting inappropriately or disrespectfully may be sent home. Parents or guardians will resume responsibility of picking up the participants within one hour of initial contact.



Hello Mountain Adventures strives to create an atmosphere of responsibility. Physical, verbal, or emotional abuse will not be accepted or tolerated by any participant or parents at Hello Mountain. Appropriate social behavior and manners is expected of all participants and parents of Hello Mountain Adventures.


Hello Mountain Adventures asks that all electronics stay at home. For the purpose that all participants stay engaged in nature as we adventure outside the classroom.


It is the intention of the Code of Conduct that all participants and parents share the responsibility to ensure that Hello Mountain Adventures classes are a safe and enjoyable place to learn.


Feel free to discuss any concerns regarding provisional accommodation to facilitate inclusive participation.







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2024 Hello Mountain Adventures LLC

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